Make consistent, reliable profits from the stock market
VectorVest analyzes 16,000+ stocks daily and gives a simple buy, sell, or hold rating on each

- Buy/sell signals based on mathematical models
- Accurate assessments of the value of 16,000+ stocks
- Analyze stocks in seconds w/proprietary indicators
- Free quick start course & investment coaching
- Market timing gauge tells you when it's safe to buy
- Watchlists of highest rated stocks across strategies
- Automated backtesting & portfolio management
- Free US-based live phone support
markets in
I originally got this app as a "2nd opinion" brokerage app to determine if Robinhood's stock ratings were viable or not. I've made +27% in the past 4 months.
I have been using VestorVest for a number of years and am averaging 30% annual returns. VectorVest is instrumental in my success.
I've been with VectorVest +10 years and took their course that covers Spread Trading. The next 12 months I pocketed over $110,000 trading SPX only while risking only $20K at any one time.
We’ve consistently outperformed the S&P 500, achieving a 15% average annual return for two decades
And not only the S&P 500, we’ve beaten every major stock market index. Don’t just take our word for it—verify this yourself during your trial by backtesting every recommendation we've made.
Excellent set of tools... I consistently beat all my professionally managed accounts. Really can’t imagine not having them part of my daily routine.
Using the VectorVest tools I made over $32,000 in less than two weeks on one trade. Subscribing to VectorVest is the smartest investment decision that I have made.
With this tool I can check any stock and make the right call most of the time. It has simplified things for me. My portfolio is going gang busters.
The VectorVest Engine
The VectorVest Engine™ analyzes 16,000+ stocks every day and gives a simple buy, sell, or hold rating on each. This guidance reliably guides you on when to buy low and sell high.

You can’t predict the market, but you can ride the rallies and dodge the downturns.
While it’s impossible predict the market, VectorVest alerts you to swings so quickly you’ll feel like you’re peering into the future. The chart below shows our buy and sell signals at major market turns dating back to 2000.
Mar 20, 2000 - Sell Recommendation
NASDAQ surged 400% in 5 years but crashed 78% from its peak in Oct 2002. VectorVest advised subscribers to exit the market on Mar 20, 2020, securing gains and outperforming buy-and-hold by over 226%.
Mar 17, 2003 - Buy Recommendation
The Dotcom bubble bursting led to a several year bear market. VectorVest made a buy recommendation as momentum shifted and the market rally began.
Nov 2, 2007 - Sell Recommendation
VectorVest advised investors to move to cash on Nov 11, 2007 or to begin shorting the market. Average 19% gains by mid-summer of 2008.
Mar 9, 2009 - Buy Recommendation
VectorVest sees the shift in momentum after the mortgage meltdown and makes a Buy recommendation at the start of one of the longest bull runs in market history.
Feb 21, 2020 - Sell Recommendation
Coronavirus shutdowns erased nearly 11,000 points (roughly 37%) from the DJIA. While nobody could predict the shutdowns to occur VectorVest advised investors to tighten stops and take profits on Feb 21, 2020.
Mar 25, 2020 - Buy Recommendation
VectorVest identified upward momentum and advised investors to buy stocks long, setting subscribers up for one of the fastest market recoveries in history.
Nov 22, 2021 - Sell Recommendation
Record-high inflation and increasing interest rates triggered a stock market decline. VectorVest's Nov 21, 2021, advice to shift to cash shielded its subscribers from the impact, and those who utilized its shorting tactics made gains of up to 93% in just six months.
I’ve more than doubled my Options account as of August 2021; over 100% gain. HIGHLY recommend VectorVest. Customer service is outstanding. Seminars and software, OUTSTANDING.
I have a strong and positive view of VectorVest. Joined after the crash of 2020. Long story short, I made enough money in June to December 2020 using VV to pay off a large mortgage.
I have had very good success with VectorVest. I've made 50-60% returns annually for the last 6 years with their systems. All I can say, if you follow them to a T you will succeed.
Frequently Asked Questions
While there are plenty of free sources of “financial advice,” oftentimes the motivation behind these suggestions are pundits working to offload undesirable stocks.
On the other hand, VectorVest’s success is aligned with our customers—your success is ours. The guidance VectorVest provides doesn’t come from pundits or institutional investors, but rather from a refined mathematical model that takes into account market timing, stock value, and stock safety. VectorVest simplifies this data to allow subscribers to confidently know when to buy and sell.
VectorVest’s investing advice is based on mathematical models that provide guidance on what to buy and what to avoid, and when to do it.
VectorVest has a mix of private investors, money managers, brokers and financial advisers using the product successfully.
The bulk of our subscribers are individual investors. They are folks that have been involved in their own businesses and want to run their own portfolios. They tend to be financially sound and they have negative experiences giving their money to money managers and brokers without much success. So they turn to VectorVest for help.
VectorVest is the only system that analyzes, sorts and ranks stocks for value, safety and timing. We created an indicator that we call the VST – the Value, Safety, Timing vector –which allows us to rank stocks from those that have the best combination of value, safety and timing to the worst. We have an analysis system where we measure 3 indicators–Relative Value, Relative Safety and Relative Timing–on a scale of 0-2, with 1 being the neutral point.
If the rating is above 1 it is favorable and if the rating is below 1 it is unfavorable. What this allows our subscribers to do is find a stock then look at Relative Value (RV), Relative Safety (RS), Relative Timing (RT), and if the indicator is above 1, they know that is favorable.
These 3 indicators also very quickly tell you a lot about the stock. Whether it is a safe, under-valued stock that’s rising in price or whether it is a risky, overvalued stock that is falling in price. This system is what allows users to analyze stocks in seconds.
VectorVest analyzes a stock's positive attributes (earnings, earnings growth, profitability) and negative attributes (interest rates, inflation) to determine its value. If the positive outweighs the negative, the value increases. Price moves towards value over time. If a stock is undervalued, its price will tend to rise over time to meet its value. If price is overvalued, its price will tend to reduce over time to meet its value.
As an investor we need to know if we should invest in a stock (where risk is involved) or invest in a safe investment such as a bond or CD (with a low-risk, fixed return). The Relative Value (RV) shows the long term price appreciation potential compared to an alternative investment into AAA corporate bonds.
Yes. While VectorVest is great at telling you when to buy, it’s also useful in knowing when to move to a cash position. For more advanced users, we also offer classes on shorting the market.
Dollar cost averaging suggests buying stocks even as they're going down in price, because hopefully the price will go back up. The problem is many stocks go down and never go back up.
We believe you should never buy a stock on the way down. Instead, we suggest waiting to buy when both the stock and the markets are going up—guidance that VectorVest provides daily. This allows you to buy low and sell high.
VectorVest Privacy Policy
This privacy policy applies to personal information and data collected at of any kind or nature whatsoever provided by you or in connection with or in relation to,,,,, and also to personal information and data of any kind or nature whatsoever provided by you or collected by VectorVest, Inc. (“VectorVest”) or others for or in connection with or in relation to any of its courses, training, software, applications, licenses, research, subscription services, free trials, marketing, and any and all other products and services it offers on its own or may offer on behalf of or through or integrated with third parties (all such products, services and activities collectively the “Services”) in relation to all formats and mediums including at additional websites or applications that may not be listed here. This privacy policy also applies to all personal information and data you provide to VectorVest of any kind or nature, for any reason. VectorVest is committed to protecting the privacy of users of the Services. VectorVest does however gather certain types of information about the users of the Services and provides third parties with your personal information and data for business purposes and wants users to fully understand the terms and conditions surrounding the use of the information we collect and provide to third parties. The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for the Services.
1. Information VectorVest Collects
Users can visit the public or “free” sections of our websites without identifying themselves or volunteering personal information. But to otherwise utilize the Services and associated features, a user must first register with VectorVest. When a user registers, we may request certain personal information, including, but not limited to, contact information, such as the users name, mailing address, telephone number, e-mail address, credit/debit card information, transactional payment information, and demographic information such as age and gender. VectorVest collects personal information when a user voluntarily provides VectorVest with this information or where such information is required or permitted to be collected by law or professional standards. Please use your discretion when providing sensitive information to VectorVest, and under any circumstances. This site is being monitored by one or more third-party monitoring software(s) and may capture information about your visit that will help us improve the quality of our service. You may control the data being collected from your visit by visiting through a universal consumer options page located at:
2. Purposes of Data Collection
VectorVest gathers, collects, stores, organizes, and retrieves information and data about users of the Services both collectively and individually. For example, we gather what areas of our websites users visit most frequently, what Services users access most often, and trends or patterns in responses to educational course questions. VectorVest processes personal information both as a Processor and as a Controller as defined by the GDPR. VectorVest will be the Controller for user data. All data collected by VectorVest will be stored in All hosting is performed in accordance with security regulations. VectorVest automatically logs IP addresses, session sources, and other data which tracks users’ access to the Services. We analyze these logs for sales and marketing purposes, as well as for system performance monitoring. These logs are analyzed for the aggregate trends and patterns they reveal about users of the Services, not for the behaviors of individual users. This information provides us with aggregate data that VectorVest may use to improve the Services. VectorVest also gathers personal information about users of the Services individually, for example for provision of customer service and support, billing, security, compliance with the VectorVest Subscriber Agreement, network management, user surveys, sales management, sales support, newsletters, marketing, user group memberships, event registrations, sponsorships, offers of related products and services, and other exchanges of information. We may also use the information you send to us to communicate with you via email, and possibly other means, regarding products, services, offers, promotions, or events we think may be of interest to you or to send you our newsletter, if this is in accordance with your marketing preferences. You will always be able to opt-out of such communications at any time through the processes outlined in section 7 below.
3. What VectorVest does with the information it collects
In addition to the foregoing, VectorVest may use aggregated personal information to determine the demographic composition of our user base and to distribute statistics and general marketplace information about VectorVest. This aggregate information does not identify specific users. Certain non-personal information regarding users is recorded by the standard operation of the Internet servers hosting the Services. This information is primarily used to provide users of the Services with an enhanced online experience. VectorVest may disclose aggregated user statistics in order to describe the Services to prospective partners, advertisers, purchasers, and other third parties, and for other lawful purposes.
ome features of the Services may be offered in conjunction with an unaffiliated third party, such as another entity, service provider or brokerage offering or integrating with the Services and contracting with VectorVest as a vendor or with VectorVest as a client to provide the Services or integration to users. In order to provide the Services or the integration, it may be and sometimes is necessary for users and/or VectorVest to share personal information and data of users with unaffiliated third parties.
4. The Services, including ProfitLocker Pro™ – relation to Third Party Yodlee
VectorVest has a contract with Yodlee. As a client of Yodlee, VectorVest uses and integrates with Yodlee to link VectorVest user brokerage accounts with third party brokerages to VectorVest’s Services including, but not limited to, in connection with a VectorVest software product named ProfitLocker Pro™ that is for stop guidance, and to help investors analyze the holdings in their brokerage accounts, to know what to buy, when to buy and when to sell. The Yodlee software may be or is silently integrated into VectorVest’s existing platforms and Services, such that it may appear to the user or consumer of the Services, including of ProfitLocker Pro™ that he or she is interacting with VectorVest and has no idea he or she is logging into or using a Yodlee product. You understand that when you enter your brokerage account credentials and login information (i.e., username and password), account access information and/or registration information, in connection with the Services, including ProfitLocker Pro™, Yodlee has access to it and stores a copy of such information and data on its own system after the connection is made between your brokerage account and any VectorVest product or service. You understand that once Yodlee has access to your brokerage account and login information, Yodlee may and does routinely extract data from your account. Although we hope it never happens, you understand and agree that there is always a risk that Yodlee or any third party to whom we or you disclose your information and data, might continue to use a stored copy it has made of your information and data or might otherwise violate laws related to your information and data and the use and storage thereof even after you have severed the connection between your brokerage account and the VectorVest product or service or even after you no longer provide consent to the Yodlee or third-party use of the same. Such might be the case despite any representations and assurance made by Yodlee or third parties to VectorVest that such events and use after severance will not occur. You understand and are provided notice that Yodlee has in the past been accused of aggregating individual consumer data and information, including bank account balances and transaction histories, and selling it to third parties for a fee, and that you have been given notice of Yodlee’s alleged business practices and conduct as alleged in a court Complaint concerning consumer data and information and account log-in credentials and the storage and use thereof, which have been appropriately disclosed to you. You agree that you have been informed of the risk of Yodlee or any third party in possession of your information and data continuously accessing and extracting information from your account and selling it to third parties without your knowledge or consent, and that Yodlee’s or any third party’s involvement with your data and information might unfortunately go well beyond the limited consent provided by you to facilitate a connection between your brokerage account and VectorVest, and you willingly and knowingly assume and accept and agree to that risk. In the spirit of providing full disclosure and the facts to allow you to provide an informed consent before using and subscribing the Services, including, ProfitLocker Pro™, VectorVest wishes to advise its users and consumers of the Services and ProfitLocker Pro™ and hereby informs them that Yodlee is currently or once was a defendant party in a class action lawsuit, Case No. No. 3:20-cv-05991 filed in federal court in Northern California in August, 2020, in which the plaintiff, Deborah Wesch, alleges in the Complaint that Yodlee’s business practice of collecting, extracting, and selling personal data violates several privacy laws, such as the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), California’s Financial Information Privacy Act (CalFIPA), the California Online Privacy Protection Act (CalOPPA), and the Gramm-Leach Bliley Act (GLBA) Privacy Rule. The plaintiff has alleged that once Yodlee has access to the individual’s account, Yodlee routinely extracts data from the user’s account, even after an individual has severed the connection between its bank account and the third-party service. The plaintiff has alleged that after access is revoked, Yodlee accesses the account by relying on their own stored copy of the individual’s credentials. The plaintiff has alleged that Yodlee then aggregates the data, including bank account balances and transaction histories, and sells it to third parties for a fee. The Plaintiff alleges that Yodlee continuously accessed and extracted information from her account and sold her personal data to third parties without her knowledge or consent. A copy of the class action Complaint is here.
5. The Services, including ProfitLocker Pro™ – relation to Third Party Yodlee
IF A USER DOES NOT WANT HIS OR HER INFORMATION TO BE SHARED, THE USER CAN CHOOSE NOT TO ALLOW THE TRANSFER BY NOT USING THE SERVICES, OR BY FOLLOWING THE OPT-OUT PROCEDURES IDENTIFIED IN SECTION 7 BELOW. Also, please be aware that advertisers or websites or third parties that are linked to or integrated with the Services may and do collect personally identifiable information and data about users. The separate information and data use practices of those websites or third parties linked to or integrated with the Services, including for example Yodlee, are not covered by this privacy policy. VectorVest is not liable or responsible for the business practices, privacy practices, conduct or the content of such websites or third parties including Yodlee, or for any violations of any laws whatsoever by such websites or third parties, including Yodlee, and VectorVest will provide no indemnity to any party for the conduct of any third parties in connection with your information or data. This lack of liability, responsibility and/or indemnity on the part of VectorVest shall be the case even if VectorVest might be negligent in part in contracting with or using any third party including Yodlee or in disclosing or sharing information or data with any third party. VectorVest utilizes other companies to provide limited services on its behalf, including but not limited to customer support, web analytics, data aggregation, integrations, coordination of mailings and event management. These companies are permitted by us, in our contracts with them, to access only the information they require to perform those services. VectorVest requires these companies to maintain the confidentiality of any personal information and data and prohibits them from using the information for any other purpose than the purpose for which it was collected or that is unlawful. You always assume the full and total risk however that all third parties with whom we share your information and data may not abide by the contractual terms and may violate laws with respect to your information and data and the use, sharing and storing thereof, and VectorVest does not represent or warrant that such third parties are reliable or lawful in their business practices or concerning privacy. The personal information and data users of the Services supply to VectorVest may also be given, sold, rented, loaned, disseminated, or disclosed to third parties outside of VectorVest for sales and marketing purposes and solicitations. Data obtained through the short code program will not be shared with any third parties for their marketing reasons/purposes. If a user does not want his or her information to be shared, the user can choose not to allow the transfer by not using the Services, or by following the opt-out procedures identified in section 7 below. A user also can view their information, have errors corrected, or have their information transferred. The personal information and data users of the Services supply to VectorVest may also be given, transferred, disseminated, or disclosed to third parties under special circumstances, such as when we believe in good faith that disclosure is reasonably necessary to (i) comply with legal process, (ii) enforce any terms of use of the Services, (iii) respond to claims that any content provided by using the Services violates the rights of third parties, (iv) protect the rights, property, or personal safety of VectorVest, its users, or the public, (v) enter into or comply with a contract, or (vi) complete an audit of any kind. Please know that VectorVest may be required to release an individual’s personal information in response to a lawful request by public authorities especially to accommodate national security or law enforcement requirements. Before any user’s personal information or data will be transferred by us to third parties for commercial purposes, including for sales and marketing, we will use best efforts to first obtain from the third party a contract assuring that it too abides by the Privacy Shield Frameworks as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, and retention of data from the European Union or Switzerland, or in the alternative we will obtain a written agreement from the third party that it will adhere to the Privacy Shield Frameworks. Data obtained through the short code program will not be shared with any third parties for their marketing reasons/purposes. In cases of onward transfer to third parties of data of EU or Swiss individuals received pursuant to the Privacy Shield Frameworks, VectorVest is potentially liable. To learn more about the Privacy Shield program, and to view VectorVest’s certification, please visit VectorVest uses technical, organizational, and administrative security measures to protect information we hold in our records from loss, misuse, and unauthorized access. Unfortunately, no company can guarantee full security. User accounts are protected by a password for privacy and security. Users must prevent unauthorized access to their account by selecting and protecting their password and limiting access to their computer or device and browser. Personal Information a user submits to VectorVest may be sent, stored, and processed in the United States, Europe, or any other country in which VectorVest or its subsidiaries, affiliates, or service providers maintain facilities. VectorVest may transfer information collected about users, including personal information, to affiliated entities or other parties across national borders. If you are located in the European Union, or other regions with laws governing data collection and use differing substantially from U.S. law, please note that we will not transfer information without the same or substantially similar data protections in place. These countries may not have similar data protection laws to those in your country of residence. However, VectorVest will protect your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy wherever it is processed. VectorVest retains personal information from users for as long as the user’s account is active, or otherwise for a limited period of time after that needed to fulfill the purposes for which the information was initial collected or as otherwise required by law. VectorVest will retain and use this information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements. Billing information will be retained for a period of twenty years as of their provision to VectorVest based on tax and accounting laws. Information regarding legal transactions between VectorVest and a user will be retained for a period of twenty years as of their provision to VectorVest based on the limitation periods set for civil claims.
6. What is a cookie?
A cookie is a small data file that certain websites write to your hard drive when you visit them. A cookie file can contain information that allows a website to track the pages you’ve visited. But the only personal information a cookie can contain is information you supply yourself. A cookie can’t read data off your hard disk or read cookie files created by other sites. VectorVest uses cookies to tell when a user is a repeat visitor and to let us know how the user found the site. They also allow us to automatically link users to their personalized accounts. When you create an account, VectorVest may use a cookie to store a unique, random code. VectorVest only uses this code to identify you anonymously in our database and to track the pages you visit on our site. This helps us better understand and improve areas of the site that our users find valuable. VectorVest also uses this code to enable you to enter various Services areas without having to log in each time. Some of the services will not work if you have cookies disabled.
7. User Options — Opt-Out
Users of the Services should contact us at the address below with any questions about the information that we collect from users. Users may opt out of receiving any future direct marketing or promotional electronic mailings from VectorVest by following the unsubscribe procedures indicated in the mailing. Additionally, if a user does not want his or her information to be shared, or does not wish to receive telephone solicitations, users may opt out of the sharing or solicitations by calling us at (888) 658-7638, writing to us at the address below, or emailing us at, indicating that he or she wishes to opt out. Users will still receive non-promotional communications such as service-related emails.
8. User Access to Information
VectorVest acknowledges the individual’s right to access their personal data. VectorVest offers users the ability to edit, correct, change, delete, or transfer the information and data collected during registration or exercise any other subject right available to users under the EU General Data Protection Regulation. Users may access this information at any time and as often as necessary by choosing the “Update your customer profile” option or other similar functionality offered in the Services. To access or change your personal information, log in to your account through the Services. For editing data not available through such an account, please call us at (888) 658-7638, write to us at the address below, or email us at
9. Security
All user personal information stored by VectorVest is stored on servers at a location designed specifically to ensure that no unauthorized individuals have access to the server or its data. We also have appropriate managerial procedures in place to safeguard the information we collect.
10. European Data Protection for Residents of the EU or Switzerland
VectorVest complies with the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework and the Swiss-US Privacy Shield Framework as set forth by the US Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, and retention of personal information from European Union member countries and Switzerland to the United States. VectorVest has certified to the Department of Commerce that it adheres to the Privacy Shield Principles. If there is any conflict between the terms in this privacy policy and the Privacy Shield Principles, the Privacy Shield Principles shall govern. To learn more about the Privacy Shield program, and to view our certification page, please visit
11. Complaints and Dispute Resolution for Residents of the EU or Switzerland
In compliance with the EU-US and Swiss-US Privacy Shield Principles, VectorVest commits to resolve complaints about your privacy and our collection or use of your personal information. The Federal Trade Commission has jurisdiction over VectorVest’s compliance with the Privacy Shield. European Union or Swiss individuals with inquiries or complaints regarding this privacy policy should first contact VectorVest via: Call us at +1 (888) 658-7638, write to us at the address below, or email us at VectorVest has further committed to refer unresolved privacy complaints under the Privacy Shield Principles to an independent dispute resolution mechanism, the BBB EU PRIVACY SHIELD, operated by BBB National Programs. If you do not receive timely acknowledgment of your complaint, or if your complaint is not satisfactorily addressed, please visit for more information and to file a complaint. This service is provided free of charge to you.
12. Complaints and Dispute Resolution for Residents outside of the EU and Switzerland
If you reside outside of the EU or Switzerland and have any complaints about this privacy policy, or related to your personal information and data, please contact us at the address and contact information in Section 15 below.
13. User Consent, Waiver and Release
By using the Services, users signify their assent and agreement to this privacy policy and to the collection, use and dissemination of their personal information and data, including to or by third parties, as described herein, and for the purposes and scope described and set forth herein, and you assent and agree to the risks set forth herein and associated with the use and dissemination of your personal information and data, including to third parties. VectorVest may transfer personal data outside the user’s region for certain situations, such as when necessary to perform services provided by VectorVest, for pre-contractual steps or in a user’s interest, or for other business interests that are not overridden by the user’s interests. By registering for VectorVest Services, a user authorizes VectorVest to transfer their personal data outside the user’s region. If a user does not agree to this policy, or to the collection, use and dissemination of their personal information and data, including to third parties, as described herein, and for the purposes described herein, and/or to the risks set forth herein, he or she should not use the Services, or follow the opt-out procedures identified in section 7 above. BY REGISTERING FOR VECTORVEST SERVICES, AND/OR BY USING THE SERVICES, YOU AND YOUR SUCCESSORS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS DO HEREBY IRREVOCABLY AND UNCONDITIONALLY WAIVE, RELEASE ACQUIT AND FOREVER DISCHARGE VECTORVEST, INCLUDING ANY AND ALL OF ITS PREDECESSORS, SUCCESSORS, HEIRS, INSURERS, PARENTS, SUBSIDIARIES, DIVISIONS, RELATED COMPANIES, AFFILIATES, ASSIGNS, EMPLOYEES, OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS (HEREINAFTER COLLECTIVELY THE “VECTORVEST RELEASEES”), FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, LIABILITIES, DEMANDS, THREATS, AWARDS, DAMAGES, COSTS, LIABILITIES, ATTORNEY’S FEES, JUDGMENTS, ORDERS AND CAUSES OF ACTION OF WHATEVER KIND OR NATURE, WHETHER NOW KNOWN OR UNKNOWN, WHICH YOU NOW HAVE OR HOLD, OR HAVE AT ANY TIME HERETOFORE HAD OR HELD, OR MAY OTHERWISE IN THE FUTURE WOULD HAVE HELD, AGAINST VECTORVEST AND THE VECTORVEST RELEASEES ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH OR RELATED OR ANCILLARY TO THE COLLECTION, USE AND DISSEMINATION OF YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION AND DATA TO OR BY THIRD PARTIES (INCLUDING YODLEE) AS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND WITHIN THE PURPOSES AND SCOPE DESCRIBED AND SET FORTH HEREIN, EVEN IF VECTORVEST IS NEGLIGENT IN PART OR IN FULL IN ANY MANNER IN CONNECTION THEREWITH OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF THE THIRD PARTY (INCLUDING YODLEE). IN THE EVENT THE FOREGOING WAIVER AND RELEASE IS DEEMED INAPPLICABLE FOR ANY REASON, THEN YOU AGREE AND UNDERSTAND THAT IN NO EVENT SHALL VECTORVEST’S LIABILITY UNDER THIS PRIVACY POLICY, IF ANY, EXCEED THE FEE PAID BY YOU FOR THE SPECIFIC SUBSCRIPTION TERM IN WHICH THE ALLEGED EVENT CREATING LIABILITY AROSE.
14. Changes to Privacy Policy
If VectorVest changes this privacy policy, we will post those changes at,,,,, so that users will always know what information we gather, how we might use that information, and whether we will disclose it to anyone. Continued use of the Services by a user following the posting of changes to these terms will likewise mean the user accepts those changes.
15. Contact Us
The information provided is intended to be transparent, concise, and understandable. If you have any questions or complaints regarding this policy, please contact: Ms. Linda Royer Chief Operating Officer VectorVest, Inc. 2650 W. Market Street Ste 1A Akron, OH 44333 e. p. (330) 867-2814, ext. 502 f. (216) 803-0880
16. “Do Not Track” Disclosure
California and Delaware law require VectorVest to indicate whether it honors “Do Not Track” settings in your browser concerning targeted advertising. “Do Not Track” is not yet a finalized standard, so VectorVest follows the standards set out in this Privacy Policy and does not monitor or respond to Do Not Track browser requests.
17. Children
VectorVest does not knowingly collect or solicit personal information from anyone under the age of thirteen. No one under thirteen years old should attempt to register for VectorVest services or send any information to VectorVest. VectorVest will delete any information collected from a child under the age of thirteen from our services expediently once it is identified. Should you believe a child under the age of thirteen has provided us with personal information, call us at (888) 658-7638, write to us at the address above, or email us at:
18. Texting Terms and Conditions
By providing your mobile number, checking the opt-in box and clicking "SUBMIT", you consent to receive mobile text alerts from VectorVest Inc. regarding scheduled webinars (message frequency varies depending on number of registrations). You understand that you do not have to sign up for this program in order to make any purchases or subscribe, and your consent above is not a condition of purchase.
By signing up, you are confirming you are over the age of 13.
You understand that we will send mobile text messages using automated technology. Carriers are not liable for delayed or undelivered messages.
Message and data rates may apply. Send STOP to 40632 to cancel. Text HELP to 40632 for help. For more information, contact us at or call 1-(888) 658-7638.
VectorVest Inc. is committed to protecting your privacy; you can access our Privacy Policy above.
Revision Date: 2025
VectorVest Refund Policy
30-Day Trial
VectorVest offers a 30-Day Trial to allow a thorough evaluation of VectorVest 7. If you are not completely satisfied with your VectorVest trial for any reason, simply notify us within 30 days for a prompt refund.
VectorVest offers monthly and annual payment options for VectorVest products and services. Notification of termination shall be made to VectorVest via telephone, email or mail. Monthly and Annual subscriptions will be promptly scheduled for cancellation on the date of expiration of current subscription time period upon request, no refunds will be given.
One time fee purchases
Optional software modules such as, VectorVest ProTrader and AutoTimer are NOT refundable.
Seminars and Events
All events $49.99 or less: All registration fees are non-refundable. All events $50.00 to $95.00: Substitute registrants are welcome and may be named at any time prior to the event. Cancellations six or more days prior to the event will result in a full refund, less a $25.00 service charge per attendee. Cancellations within five days of the event will result in a cancellation fee of $50.All events $95.01 to $495.00: Substitute registrants are welcome and may be named at any time prior to the event. Cancellations six or more days prior to the event will result in a full refund, less a $50.00 service charge per attendee. Cancellations within five days of the event will result in a cancellation fee of $75.All events more than $495.00: Substitute registrants are welcome and may be named at any time prior to the event. Cancellations six or more days prior to the event will result in a full refund, less a $100.00 service charge per attendee. Cancellations within five days of the event will result in a cancellation fee of $150.00.
The Options Paycheck, The Successful Investor, The Options JumpStarter and Precision Bottom-Fishing for Explosive Profits, Trade Like a Pro and All Webcast Series Courses.
We want you to be satisfied with your purchase, but we also want you to give your best effort to apply all of the strategies in the course. We do offer a refund period for purchases. In the case of a live course, if you cancel prior to the start of the course, refunds will be applied using our “Seminar and Event” refund policy. In the case of a live course, once the course begins, requests for refunds must be made prior to the end of the final live session. In order to qualify for a refund we must see that you have done the work in the course and put forth your best effort. Contact our support team at, before the last session and let us know you’d like a refund.
In order to qualify for a refund:
- You either attended all live sessions or watched all recordings of the live sessions in their entirety.
- You completed all tests, quizzes or assignments in the VectorVest University, which is where the course will be stored.
- You submit one or more examples of trades completed where you followed the steps taught in the class. (Paycheck course only)
We will NOT provide refunds after the final live session. After that day, all payments are non-refundable and you are responsible for full payment of the fees for the program regardless if you complete the program.
All refunds are discretionary as determined by VectorVest Inc.