18 02, 2016

Back to Basics with Long-Term Winners

By |2022-11-16T13:34:37+00:00February 18th, 2016|Categories: VectorVest, VectorVest 7|Tags: , |

The key to long-term success in the stock market is to buy stocks with outstanding financial performance, i.e., stocks with consistent and predictable earnings growth. Please join Cathy O’Nan, VectorVest’s Manager of Internal Training, as she demonstrates the importance of buying stocks with High Relative Safety (RS) ratings. If you’re looking for long-term winners, then [...]

16 11, 2015

The Day the Canary Died

By |2022-11-16T13:34:38+00:00November 16th, 2015|Categories: Stock Market, VectorVest, VectorVest 7|Tags: , , , |

Long before electronic smoke detectors were invented, coal miners carried caged canaries as a safety precaution while working. They knew that the canaries would die well before the level of any poisonous gases in the mine would be harmful to humans. In a similar manner, our Buy/Sell Ratio, BSR, is the VectorVest canary. It will [...]

10 02, 2014

VectorVest OptionsPro

By |2022-09-27T14:11:42+00:00February 10th, 2014|Categories: VectorVest 7|Tags: , |

VectorVest is pleased to announce the release of "VectorVest OptionsPro," a state of the art stock options platform, on Monday, February 10, 2014. This product, along with VectorVest 7, is designed to provide the ultimate experience in trading stock options, i.e., knowing when to trade, what to trade and how to trade for maximum profits.

18 01, 2013

Let the Wizard be Your Guide

By |2022-09-08T14:06:39+00:00January 18th, 2013|Categories: VectorVest 7|

On December 3, 2004, I wrote an essay called, "VectorVest Simple." Its purpose was to illustrate how easy it was to pick winners by looking at high VST stocks in Stock Viewer. Well, it's been a long time since I wrote that essay and a lot of things have changed. Fortunately, they changed for the better.

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